The Admin Messages page appears when users with administrative roles log on and one or more of the following conditions exist.
This message indicates that a peer in your cluster exceeds its license capacity. A peer does not discover any new devices or poll additional objects when a peer reaches its license capacity. Refer to Cluster Manager on how to manage the elements each peer monitors.
This message indicates that a flow interface has sent a flow that exceeds the Max Flow Duration you enter on the Cluster Manager > Cluster Settings tab. This is usually due to an improperly configured router which results in the router sending inaccurate flow data.
This message indicates that some user action logging cannot be performed because your software uses a kernel that is less than 2.6.36. To find your kernel version number, click the PHP Status link on the About page.
You can choose to display an administrative message when SevOne NMS software updates are available. You trigger the ability to display this message from the Cluster Manager > Updates tab.
This message indicates that neither appliance in a Hot Standby Appliance (HSA) peer pair is actively polling data from your network. The Cluster Manager appliance level
enables you to correct this situation.
This message indicates that both appliances in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair are attempting to perform the same role. Both appliances in the pair can end up in an active state when the Internet connection between the appliances is interrupted. The Cluster Manager appliance level
enables you to correct this situation.
If the peer is not turned off or disconnected from your network, you should contact SevOne Support for assistance.
Make note of the messages and click Continue.