The IP SLA plugin is automatically enabled when you add a new device to SevOne NMS to enable you to monitor Cisco IP SLA metrics between two Cisco routers. The IP SLA plugin discovers the IP SLAs you define on the Probe Manager. You must confirm that the SNMP Plugin is enabled for a device when you enable the IP SLA plugin.
The Cluster Manager > Cluster Settings tab enables you to set the Default Responder Action to have all new devices ignore the default IP SLA responder action, to have SevOne NMS execute SET commands on the target device, or to have SevOne NMS not perform the default IP SLA responder action. You can override the cluster wide setting for each individual device.
Perform the following steps to enable the IP SLA plugin for each device from which you want to poll IP SLA metrics.
From the navigation bar, click the Devices menu and select Device Manager.
Either add a device with the IP SLA plugin or edit a device to enable the IP SLA plugin.
Click Add Device to display the New Device page.
to display the Edit Device page.
In the plugin section, confirm that the SNMP Capable check box is selected.
- Click the plugin drop-down (displays SNMP by default) and select IP SLA.
Select the Monitor IP SLA Data check box.
View the Version. This is the round trip time monitoring application version string. The IP SLA plugin detects the version and you cannot edit this field.
Select the Force Compliance Revision check box to enable the ability to change the compliance revision. The IP SLA plugin detects and enters the compliance revision for you. You can change the compliance revision for experimental purposes. If you select this check box, the IP SLA plugin uses the compliance revision you select and does not try to determine the proper compliance revision if the one you select fails. If you select this check box, click the Compliance Revision drop-down and select an IP SLA revision. Click the Click here for more information link to view the list of Cisco IP SLA Compliance Revisions (for details on this, please refer to section IP SLA in SevOne NMS System Administration Guide.
Click the Enable Responder drop-down.
Select Auto to use the setting from the Cluster Manager.
Select Yes to turn on the IP SLA responder on the device, when possible.
Select No to turn off the IP SLA responder on the device, when possible.
View the Responder Status. Displays On or Off. Displays N/A for a new device or when the device type does not support a responder.
Select the Allow SevOne to Issue Set Commands check box to have SevOne NMS submit snmpset commands to the router to provision new IP SLAs.