The Report Manager lists the reports you create plus any shared reports from the users in your role. This page provides access to the workflows that enable you to combine and customize several graphs, tables, and other individual reports into a single report. The Report Manager enables you to manage reports, to manage report templates, and to mark a report to appear as your custom dashboard when you log on.
To access the Report Manager from the navigation bar, click the Reports menu and select Report Manager.
Reports and report templates eliminate the need to repeatedly create the individual graphs and tables each time you want to view data. Chaining enables you to add related attachments to a report.
Reports - Enable you to create and save a collection of report attachments for specific devices or for specific objects so that you can retrieve the same data from the same resources at any time.
Report Templates - Similar to reports, these have the added ability to define template attachments that do not have a specific resource. You define the report template properties to enable template attachments to derive applicable devices from the Device Summary workflows or to derive applicable objects from the Object Summary workflows. Report templates enable you to create a report that has template attachments without a specific resource and attachments with specific resources.
Chaining - Enables you to use the settings from an attachment to create a related attachment.
There are four fundamental parts to define a report:
Report Manager - Enables you to manage reports, to manage report templates and is an access point to all of the following report management workflows.
Report Attachment Wizard - Enables you to create and maintain the attachments that are the content of the report that contain the tables, graphs, and charts of data.
Report - Appears on a new browser tab and enables you to define the attachment locations, chain attachments, use the report in a slide show, mark the report as a favorite or mark the report as a dashboard, change the data refresh rate, define the report time span, export the report to a .pdf format, export an attachment to a .csv format, and to lock a report to prevent the addition of new attachments.
Report Properties - Enables you to define the overall report name, view the report structure, and define the report sharing permissions. The Report Properties enables you to define report email delivery, FTP delivery, and SFTP delivery settings and to define report template access settings.
The Filter section enables you to limit the reports in the list. Filters are optional and cumulative.
In the Search field, enter a string to search on. You can select one of the following check boxes to further specify the search:
Report Name - to search by the report name.
Description - to search by the report description.
Report Folder Name - to search by the report folder name. Any folder names that match the search string will appear in bold.
Under Flags, select the Favorite, Restricted, Email, FTP, SFTP, and/or Message check boxes to filter the list to reports with a flag indicator.
Under Options,
click the Owner drop-down and select a report owner to filter the list to only the reports for the owner you select.
Click the Display Report Templates drop-down and select one of the following:
Yes - to display only report templates in the list.
No - to display only reports in the list.
Both - to display reports and report templates in the list.
Click the Search Subfolder drop-down and select one of the following:
Yes - to search subfolders.
No - to prevent searching subfolders.
Click Apply Filter to display the reports that meet your filter criteria or Clear Filter to clear the filters selected.
The Report Folders hierarchy on the left enables you to group reports and to further filter the report list. Perform the following steps to manage the report folders hierarchy:
Click Add Report Folder to display the Add Report Folder pop-up.
In the Report folder name field, enter the report folder name.
Click Save.
Drag reports from the list to the folders in the hierarchy. Click on the white space around the report name rather than on the name itself to drag the report.
The list displays the reports that you have permissions for. All reports appear in the list, whether they are saved in the main Reports folder or in a subfolder. If you save a report and do not enter a report name, New Report <date time> appears as the name of the report.
Drag reports from the list to folders in the hierarchy. Click on the white space around the report name rather than on the name itself to drag the report.
Flags - The following flags can appear.
- Report is one of your favorite reports.
- Report appears as your custom dashboard.
- Report is restricted to only designated users.
- Report is to be sent via email or FTP or SFTP.
- Report has a message. Click the icon to display the message.
Report Name - Displays the name of the report.
Description - Displays the report description.
Owner - Displays the name of the report owner.
Last Modified - Displays the date and time the report was modified. (Reports that have not been modified since your SevOne NMS software was updated to version 5.6.x displays a blank column.)
Last Accessed - Displays the date and time the report was most recently accessed. (Reports that have not been accessed since your SevOne NMS software was updated to version 5.6.x displays a blank column.)
Click Create Report to display the Report Attachment Wizard, where you define the attachments in a new report.
Click Create Report Template to display the Report Properties, where you define the report template name, type, and access properties.
Both of these options are also available when you click
- Select the check box for each report to manage and click
. Then select one of the following options:
Mark as Favorite - to have the reports appear as your favorites in the Favorite Reports list on the Welcome Dashboard. You can configure your favorite reports to appear in a slide show to cycle through and display each of your favorite reports. There is no limit to the number of reports you can mark as your favorites. You cannot mark report templates as your favorites.
Unmark as Favorite - to remove the reports from your favorites list.
Mark as Dashboard - to make the one report you want to appear as your custom dashboard when you log on. You cannot mark a report template to be your custom dashboard.
Unmark as Dashboard - to make a report no longer appear as your custom dashboard. This applies if the report was previously selected to appear as your custom dashboard (see previous option, Mark as Dashboard). The Welcome Dashboard appears when you log on if you do not have a custom dashboard.
Delete Selected - to delete the reports.
Click a report name to view the report. The report displays information for devices to which you have permissions. What you see may be different from what another user with different device permissions sees.
- Click in the Actions column to display the Report Properties that enables you to edit the overall report name, sharing, and other properties.
For reports, the Report Properties enables you to define email, FTP, and SFTP delivery settings.
For report templates, the Report Properties enables you define when the report template is to appear from either Device Summary workflows or from Object Summary workflows.
- Click in the Actions column to display a pop-up that enables you to create a copy of a report. When a user who is not the owner of a report makes a copy of the report, the user who made the copy becomes the owner of the copy.
Both of these options are also available when you select the check box for just one report and click
- Click in the Actions column to delete the report.